Ubc Collective Agreement 116

CUPE 116 represents approximately 2,500 support staff at the University of British Columbia. This agreement includes approximately 2,300 of its members, who work as artisans, technicians, service workers, food service workers and employees who work at the University of British Columbia bookstore, ensure campus security and manage parking spaces. “This has been a productive round of bargaining and we were pleased to present our members with an agreement that improved both their working conditions and the content of the collective agreement,” said Dave Lance, President of CUPE 116. The agreement provides for wage increases of 2% each year of the agreement and includes retroactive wages. In addition to clarifying and improving existing language, highlights of the agreement include: Collective Agreement (pdf)See also: Salary ranges | | website bcgeu Sun Life Brochure (pdf) | Advantages| from the Enhanced Health Benefits main page VANCOUVER – CUPE-116 members working at the University of British Columbia (UBC) ratified a Preliminary Agreement (TA) they reached with the employer on June 9. The ratification vote ended on Tuesday night, with members voting by a large majority to adopt the TA. The agreement will enter into force once both parties have ratified it. The duration of the new agreement is from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022. New collective agreements are now available for the following employee groups: Agreements are valid for 2019-2022. Visit the Collective Agreements and Manuals page to view the agreements. | of CUPE 116 Aquatic Centre Collective Agreement 2015 Collective bargaining with UBC for a new collective agreement. Employees working on the Point Grey campus as artisans, hoteliers and hoteliers, technicians/research assistants, as well as in a variety of different positions covered by Schedule A of CUPE 116.

CUPE 116 also represents aquatic centre employees under a separate collective agreement. Faculty responsible for teaching, science and research. Faculty appointments at the University of British Columbia cover a wide range of degrees and responsibilities. If you have a regular paid hourly appointment, you will only be eligible for benefits 3 months after your hiring date. After 3 months, UBC Financial Operations – Payroll will review your hours to determine if you are eligible for benefits and, if you are eligible, will send you the task of registering benefits in Workday. You`ll still need to sign up for Workday to sign up for payroll. For more information on the eligibility of auxiliary staff, see the section below. Contact Local 2950 6253 NW Marine Drive Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 Tel: 604-822-1494 Fax: 604-822-1481E-Mail Staff working as maintenance or operations engineers on the Point Grey campus. ContactB.C. Government and Service Employees` Union (BCGEU) 4911 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 3W3 Tel: 604 291 9611 Toll free: 1 800 663 1674 Fax: 604 291 6030E-Mail If you have a paid appointment off-screen, you will not be eligible for benefits until you have worked at least 960 hours in the last 12 months.

You`ll still need to sign up for Workday to sign up for payroll. . Poster celebrating CUPE 2278`s 35th anniversary. . If you have a full-time paid monthly appointment for 12 months or more, you are eligible for all the benefits listed in the table below. Employees who perform agricultural tasks at the Milk Training Research Centre in Agassiz. Each year in January and July, your department reviews your hours worked and notifies payroll when your eligibility status needs to be updated. If you are eligible for benefits, you will receive a notification on the business day that you can enroll in the benefits to which you are entitled. ContactAssociation of Administrative & Professional Staff (AAPS) TEF III Building 208 – 6190 Agronomy Road Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 Tel: 604 822 9025 Fax: 604 822 4699E-mail. If you have a full-time appointment that lasts 3 months or less, you are not eligible for benefits. You`ll still need to sign up for Workday to sign up for payroll.

Our strike is on the cover of the public service magazine, LE CFP-B. If your full-time paid monthly appointment is extended to a total of 12 months or more, you can: 2014 Our 35th anniversary as CUPE 2278 and the teaching assistants and negotiation preparation English teachers working on the dot grey campus. 1987/1988 The English Language Institute Sessional Instructors Association (ELISIA) seeks to organize trade unions. Infographic of the schedule that led to the second strike Employees who are the hiring managers of other employees on campus, as well as those who offer a range of professional services that set guidelines and rules that determine how work is done on campus. Includes Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. The University of British Columbia is organized into a number of staff and teaching staff groups with specific terms and conditions of employment for each group. 1978 Founded as the Association of Teaching Assistants (ATA) Every year, there is a review of your hours in January and July to determine your eligibility for benefits. Employees who provide child care on the Point Grey campus.

. Your ministry will notify you in writing whether or not you are eligible for continuing coverage. Contact International Union of Operational Engineers (IUOE) Local 115-4333 Ledger Burnaby Avenue, BC V5G 3T3 Tel: 604-291-8831 Toll-free: 1-888-486-3115 Fax: 604-473 5235E-mailiuoe115.ca. . Administrative support staff working in executive offices, human resources and several workplaces outside the Point Grey campus. . Article on union certification under Bill 19. Office, secretarial, clinical and library staff working on Vancouver campuses.

1980 We are legal! CUPE 2278 is recognized by the employment office. Employees who work on the Point Grey campus as technicians/research assistants who are not covered by union certification. . If you have an hourly appointment of 12 months or more and you work at least 20 hours per week, you may be eligible for the benefits listed in the table below after working continuously for 3 months. .