Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement

IMPORTANT: THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT, PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE SUBMITTING THE FORM. All items in this Agreement must be completed in order to participate in the activities associated with this Program. I have read this agreement on waiver, indemnification and assumption of risk, I fully understand its terms and conditions and I understand that by signing it, I am giving up essential rights. I am aware of their legal consequences and I have signed them freely and voluntarily without any incentive, assurance or guarantee having been given to me. I intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional exemption from any liability for landfills to the fullest extent permitted by law. In light of their acceptance of this entry, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Capistrano Unified School District and WeROCK and all of its officers, agents or employees from any and all liability for any claim or action for damages arising out of or in any way arising out of the enrollee`s participation in this program. In exchange for permission to participate in the 2019-2020 WeROCK (WeROCK) program that we manage children in our community, I hereby acknowledge that such activities are potentially dangerous and carry the risk of serious injury and that I should not participate and participate unless I am medically capable and properly trained. I hereby assume full responsibility for any risk of personal injury, death or property damage arising out of or in connection with participation in the Program, whether anticipated or unforeseen, and whether caused by the negligence of the Releases or otherwise. I am also aware of all the risks associated with participating in this program, including but not limited to accidents, falls, contact with other participants, and the effects of weather, traffic and roads. I hereby release WeROCK, its directors, officers, employees, agents and agents (collectively, the “Indemnifications”) from any liability to me, my personal representatives, assignors, heirs and close relatives for any loss or damage and any claim or damage arising out of my participation in this Program or any other related activity that may arise. whether caused by neglect of discharges or otherwise. This compensation does not apply if these claims are based on gross negligence or wilful or intentional fault of compensation.

I also authorize the use of my name and image in programs, television shows, newspapers, brochures, blogs, social media and/or other promotional materials. .