Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement Template

(d) patents and copyrights. I agree to support the Company or its agent at the Company`s expense in any reasonable manner to secure the Company`s rights in the inventions and all copyrights, patents, trademarks, hidden labor rights, moral rights or other related intellectual property rights in all countries, including the disclosure to the Company of all relevant information and data relating thereto. the execution of all requests, specifications, oaths, assignments, registers and any other instrument that the Company deems necessary to enforce, obtain, maintain and transfer such rights and to assign and transfer to the Company, its successors, assignees and candidates the unique and exclusive rights, title and interest in such inventions, as well as all copyrights, Patents, hidden labor rights or other related intellectual property rights. I further agree that my obligation to perform or cause such instruments or documents to survive the termination of this Agreement until the expiration of the last intellectual property right in any country of the world. If, due to my mental or physical incapacity or unavailability or for any other reason, the Company is unable to obtain my signature to apply for or pursue an application for U.S. or foreign patents or copyright registrations covering inventions or original works of copyright attributed to the Company as set forth above, then I irrevocably appoint and appoint the Company and its duly authorized officers and representatives to my agent and lawyer. to act in fact for and on my behalf and to execute and file such applications and to take all other acts authorized by law to promote the filing, prosecution, issuance, maintenance or transmission of letters patent or copyright registrations relating thereto with the same legal force and effect as if they had originally been made by me. I hereby irrevocably waive and waive the claim against the Company and all claims of any kind that I have now or in the future for infringement of all proprietary rights transferred to the Company. This form has been created for general information purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice, advertising, solicitation or tax advice. The submission of this form and the information it contains is not intended to establish a customer relationship and its receipt does not constitute justification. You should not rely on this document or such information for any purpose without seeking the legal advice of a duly licensed attorney, including, but not limited to, reviewing and advising on the terms of this form, the appropriate approvals required in connection with the transactions provided for in this form, and any securities laws and other legal matters; which are considered in this form or in the operations provided for in this form. □ No invention or improvement □ Additional sheets attached A confidentiality and invention assignment agreement is usually signed by all founders and employees of the company.

The Agreement creates a confidential relationship between the parties to protect any type of confidential and proprietary information and attributes all relevant work results to the Company during the Signatory`s employment with the Company. (b) Conflicts. I represent that my compliance with all the terms of this Agreement does not violate any agreement to keep confidential or fiduciary information that I have acquired confidentially or in trust prior to the commencement of my relationship with the Company. I have not entered into any oral or written agreement that conflicts with any provision of this Agreement, and I agree not to enter into any oral or written agreement. (a) Company Information. I agree to be confidential for the duration of my relationship with the Company and thereafter and not to use the Company`s Confidential Information except for the benefit of the Company, or to disclose to any person, company, entity or other legal entity that I receive or create without the written permission of the Company`s Board of Directors. I further agree not to make copies of such Confidential Information unless authorized by the Company. I understand that “Confidential Information” includes, among other things, information relating to aspects of the Company`s business, which is either information not known to the Company`s actual or potential competitors or proprietary information of the Company or its customers or suppliers, whether of a technical or other nature. I further understand that the confidential information does not contain any of the above information that has become public and widely known and that has not been made generally available by an unlawful act on my part or on the part of other persons who have had obligations of confidentiality with regard to the object or elements in question.

Iii. I acknowledge that my breach or attempted breach of the agreements in this Section 4 will cause irreparable harm to the Company or its affiliates, and I therefore agree that the Company is legally entitled to an injunction outside of a court of competent jurisdiction that will permit any breach or other breach of such agreements by me or others. who act on my behalf.. .