Manpower Outsourcing Agreement

This is an agreement between you and all persons you represent (and for the purposes of this Agreement, “Person” includes individuals and any type of registered or unregistered entity) and Manpower North America (“Manpower”) and governs your use of the Manpower Jobs website and the content, information and services provided through the Manpower Jobs website (collectively, the “Website”). This Agreement also provides benefits to Manpower`s affiliates, service providers, suppliers and subcontractors, including various labor companies around the world (collectively, the “Affiliates and Suppliers”). Each time you use the Site, you represent your acceptance and consent, as well as the acceptance and consent of all persons whom you declare, without limitation or limitation, to be bound by this Agreement, and you represent and warrant that you have the legal authority to accept and accept this Agreement on your behalf and in any person you represent. If you do not agree with any provision of this Agreement or if you do not have the right to accept and accept this Agreement, you may not use this Website. Although both parties have reached the following agreement: To facilitate cost savings and focus more on strategic efforts, human resources (HR) functions are often outsourced. For this reason, HR professionals are encouraged to look for outsourcing solutions for businesses. Some HR functions that may be outsourced include: compensation, employee management, external hiring, relocation, employee reward, etc. 11.1 This staffing service agreement is valid for a period of four (4) years from the date of signature. This corresponds to the validity period of the accreditation/registration with DOLE/POEA, which is also four (4) years.

Unless terminated in writing by either party with thirty (30) days` notice, this Agreement shall remain in effect for four (4) years. In any case, the responsibilities of the parties apply until the conclusion of the last employment contract signed with the hired workers, and the right of the employees hired under this agreement must be recognized, and the terms of the employment contract must be strictly respected and respected. The Website is a portal and information channel to other websites and companies operated by affiliates and suppliers. Affiliates and suppliers may be independent of Manpower, their websites may have different or inconsistent terms of use or privacy notices, and their services may be provided under different terms. Your dealings with affiliates and suppliers and the use of their websites are at your own risk, and you make no claim against Manpower arising out of these matters. In the relationship between you and Manpower, the provisions of this Agreement in the section entitled Disclaimer, Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability, Indemnification and Indemnification, with all necessary modifications, will apply to your relationship with affiliates and suppliers and your use of their websites. By activating certain links, including links related to orders, you may be automatically connected to websites operated by affiliates and suppliers. If you use the Website to initiate communication about your personnel needs, the information you provide may be shared, processed and processed with affiliates and suppliers.

All communications you submit through the Site or by email must be true, accurate and complete. Manpower and its affiliates and suppliers rely on the truth, accuracy and completeness of the communications you submit through the Site. If you provide false or incomplete communications, or if the communications are damaged or distorted during transmission to Manpower, you and any person you represent will be liable for any loss, damage or additional cost that you, Manpower, affiliates and suppliers or any other person you represent as a result. You authorize Manpower and its affiliates and suppliers to: (a) accept communications they receive from you through the Site or by email, as if such communications were directly in writing and signed by you; (b) share your communications through the Website, email or other communications with Manpower affiliates, suppliers and employees; and (c) respond to your communications by means of Internet communications, emails or other communications. Notices you send to Manpower via the Website or by email will only be effective if processed by the relevant Manpower representative. Manpower may object to the processing of communications sent to Manpower through the Website or by email or reverse the processing of communications sent to Manpower via the Website or by email at any time at Manpower`s discretion and without notice or liability to you or any other person, including, but not limited to, if: (a) Employees are unable to process communications; (b) the communication violates any provision of this Agreement or any other agreement entered into by you or any other person with Manpower; (c) Manpower believes that the communication is contrary to other instructions or agreements with you or any person you represent; or (d) there is a failure or malfunction related to the transmission of communications….